Monday, January 17, 2011

Are men really doing the majority of the household shopping now?

Women outnumber men in college enrollment. I could be wrong, but I think I heard that women even outnumber men now in the workforce. So it stands to reason that men may now outnumber women in the grocery store.

As the stay-at-home parent and primary shopper in our household, I could see it as plausible.

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Time to Rethink Your Message: Now the Cart Belongs to Daddy

Survey Finds 51% of Men Are Primary Grocery Shoppers, but Few Believe Advertising Speaks to Them

BATAVIA, Ohio ( -- Mom is losing ground to Dad in the grocery aisle, with more than half of men now supposedly believing they control the shopping cart. The implications for many marketers may be as disruptive as many of the changes they're facing in media.

Through decades of media fragmentation, marketers of packaged goods and many other brands could take solace in one thing -- at least they could count on their core consumers being moms and reach them through often narrowly targeted cable TV, print and digital media.

Kids struggle to know the function of technology that is less than 30 years old. Doesn't it make you feel old?

LOL! Here's a video of a bunch of kids that were given pieces of technology, which were common not even 30 years ago, and the kids struggle to even know what it is. It's amazing how technology has changed over the years and how our perceptions of value towards these items have to. I don't feel that old, but I do after watching these kids.

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If you’d like to start your Monday off feeling old, check out this video of school children trying to figure out what to do with the technology of yesteryear.

We can only guess at what technologies from the present day we’ll be explaining to the children of tomorrow. “You did what to make a call? With a little battery powered box?”


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